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How does technology affect family life? - NotaPositiva

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How does technology affect family life?

Todos os trabalhos publicados foram gentilmente enviados por estudantes – se também quiseres contribuir para apoiar o nosso portal faz como o(a) Neuza Louraço e envia também os teus trabalhos, resumos e apontamentos para o nosso mail: geral@notapositiva.com.

Resumo do trabalho

Trabalho em inglês sobre como a tecnologia afecta a vida familiar, realizado no âmbito da disciplina de Inglês (10º ano).

How does technology affect family life?

Technology has affected every part of family life.

The time spent on the computer, watching T.V, etc, is about 8 hours a day. This time is usually spent alone and not with the rest of family.

With all technology we have nowadays we don’t need to get out of the house anymore. Almost everything revolves around technology now.

What do most people do when they come back from school? They usually go watch TV, go on the computer or something else like that.

What would they do if there was a power out and they couldn’t watch TV or go on the computer? Most people would just laze about doing nothing until the power came back.

But technology has not only disadvantages, it helps with the house hold chores, with the most varied electronic products, for example, the microwave, without it, we take too much time to warm simple foods, such as milk and soup.

When we travel away from all of our friends, technology like mobile phones and internet, we can maintain contact with them, and even today, when we travel, we turn to automobile technology, for example.

These were only a few things influenced by technology. It is almost impossible to say all the positive effects of technology on society.

256 Visualizações 13/01/2020