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A Family Supper - NotaPositiva

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Ana Gonçalves


Escola Secundária Francisco Franco

A Family Supper

Todos os trabalhos publicados foram gentilmente enviados por estudantes – se também quiseres contribuir para apoiar o nosso portal faz como o(a) Ana Gonçalves e envia também os teus trabalhos, resumos e apontamentos para o nosso mail: geral@notapositiva.com.

Resumo do trabalho

Resumo da história "A Family Supper" (uma pequena história sobre os relacionamentos de uma família) criada por Kazuo Ishiguro realizado no âmbito da disciplina de Inglês (11º ano).

A Family Supper

This is a short story about family relationships.

The story begins when the son told us about the death of his mother. She ate a fugu fish. That fish was poison, I mean we can eat it, but we have to remove the poison first.

His mother died two years ago and he still does not know the reasons or how death happens, until his father picked him up at the airport because he was coming from Canada to Japan.

During the drive home, the father explained that his mother never ate such fish, but she though she should eat that day because they were invited to a meal in an old school friend house and she did not want to offend her friend.

When they come home, his father tells him a new. His sister, Kikuko, arrived. Then the son and Kikuko started talking about her life, but she did not want to talk about her university.

She told her brother she has a boyfriend and he is moving to America and want her to go with him, as soon as she finished studying, but Kikuko is thinking about it, because although she is dating him, she does not want to spend so much time with him.

They then began to remember childhood and the fears they had. They were talking about a haunted well and about one day when they said they saw a ghost and her mother said it was just an old woman from the vegetables store.

Kikuko lets us know that his mother always preferred her brother instead of her, accusing her and the father of all.

They talked about Watanabe, the partner of his father in a firm that went bankrupt, this man killed himself and his entire family in the course of honor.

Their father was preparing a meal, they commented that he is improving his skills as a cook, because once he was living alone, he needed to learn how to survive just by himself.

While Kikuko was cooking some vegetables, the father and son talked about the death of his mother and father just said that maybe his death was not an accident, leading us to believe that she died of sorrow for the son's journey, actually, it seems that the father accuses the son of the mother's death.

Then they began to eat without talking, until the son saw a photograph of an old woman wearing a white kimono and asked his father about her. The father told him that the old woman was her mother, shortly before his death, but he can’t recognize her because it was dark.

They were eating fish and, at the end, Kikuko made ​​a tea, while the father and son were talking about Watanabe-san and the probable return of son to father's house with promises of a closer relationship.

276 Visualizações 09/01/2020