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How I’d change the world… - NotaPositiva

O teu país

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Alexandra Faria


Escola Secundária Domingos Rebelo

How I’d change the world…

Todos os trabalhos publicados foram gentilmente enviados por estudantes – se também quiseres contribuir para apoiar o nosso portal faz como o(a) Alexandra Faria e envia também os teus trabalhos, resumos e apontamentos para o nosso mail: geral@notapositiva.com.

Resumo do trabalho

Texto argumentativo em Inglês sobre os problemas ambientais que afectam o mundo hoje em dia, realizado no âmbito da disciplina de Inglês (11º ano).

How I’d change the world

Nowadays, a variety of environmental problems affect our entire world. Earth's natural processes transform local problems into international issues. There are many problems affecting the world today, like: Acid Rain, Air Pollution, Global Warming, Ozone Depletion, Smog, Water Pollution, Overpopulation, and Rain Forest Destruction.

The effects don’t prejudice only the others, and an example of that is the eutrophication of Seven Cities Lagoon, that is destroying an important tourist spot in the island and in the Azores.

Eutrophication is considered a form of pollution because it promotes excessive plant growth and decay. In this case, an aquatic environment, provoke an excessive growth of algaes, that alter normal functioning of the ecosystem, causing a variety of problems (changed the famous colour of one side of the lagoon; stench; decrease the value of the lagoon; etc)

The state of eutrophication of the lagoon is caused by the enrichment of the ecosystem with chemical nutrients of the agricultural lands surrounding.

Since 2002, Regional Government is applying some corrective measures in the lagoon: the construction of retention basins and ditches to deviate affluent waters that flow into the lagoon, (solution to 25% of the problem) oxygenate the waters and cutting the algaes. More recently president Carlos César advanced that Regional Government will invest seven million euros to correct some problems at the place, correction of the roads, introduction of efficient draining systems; 1.7 million euros in the next years to tree planting on an area of 81 hectares.

Every environmental problem has causes, numerous effects, and most importantly, a solution.

All the people in the world should be concerned with the environmental problems that are gradually destroying our world. There are so many simple acts you can do to make a difference. In my case, I’m a Girl Guide (worldwide movement providing non-formal education), and we do activities to motivate people to recycle.

242 Visualizações 09/01/2020